Wilderness Whiskey Women embrace the spirit of adventure in the west and wash it down with a local pour of whiskey. Neat.

WWW follows a few simple values: a passion for the outdoors, appreciation of a good pour of whiskey, and sharing experiences with friends, family, and community.

Started over a glass of whiskey on a late-season camping trip, Alie and Summer dreamt about how they could share their hard-earned knowledge and make the road to exploration a little easier for others.



Summer grew up in southern AZ until the day she decided she wanted to move to Colorado. True to her independent nature, she packed her car with her most valuable possessions and her trusty cat, Spaz, and never looked back. A high school history teacher during the week and adventurer on the weekends, Summer’s passion for whiskey is a close second to her deep desire to get outside.

Summer is the planner in the relationship. Always with an eye to new campsites, Summer documents ways to make the most of every adventure. As a historian, she brings this lens to many of her posts for the Wilderness Whiskey Women.

Favorite outdoor hobbies:

Snowboarding, mountain biking, & fishing


Hailing from Evanston, IL, it wasn’t until college that Alie truly understood the hidden worlds in the wilderness. On a college visit to Colorado, her dad recounts that he took one look at her face and he knew, “she was never coming home.” Little did he know: she already was.

An educator at heart and by profession, Alie brings her desire for teaching and building community to the Wilderness Whiskey Women partnership. She also always thinks of ways to get the pets involved in every experience.

Favorite outdoor hobbies:

Hiking, kayaking, & backpacking




Charley is a 9 year-old chocolate lab (most likely) who is often referred to as Mama Dog. Cast aside by her previous family, Charley got a second chance at life with Alie. She is an old hand at adventuring, a gentle soul, and a connoisseur of anything edible.

Charley’s favorite hobbies:

  • Frisbee
  • Swimming
  • Napping

Lucky Duck Ditch Dog is a 6 month-old Cur/Lab (probably). Aptly named, Duck was plucked from a ditch she was abandoned in with her 3 siblings. The runt of the litter, Duck compensates for her size with her huge personality and deep desire for friendship.

Duck’s favorite hobbies:

  • Running
  • Playing with her sisters
  • Chewing…on everything

Moose is a 2 year-old Maine Coon (sure, we’ll go with that) hailing from the HSPPR. Named for her stealth, ferocity, and antler-like ears she finally grew into, Moose spends most days studying the outside from the inside, eagerly awaiting her next adventure.

Moose’s favorite hobbies:

  • Playing fetch
  • Bug hunting
  • Climbing walls


For our most up to date adventures, check us out: