Welcome to Wilderness Whiskey Women

Wilderness Whiskey Women is exactly what the name entails: two women sharing wilderness experiences and whiskey.

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If you are looking for gear recommendations, click the Essential Gear Checklist!

Our mission is simple: We’re here to share great whiskey in the beautiful outdoors. Through our mission, we hope to create a shared space with others and build community in our collective passions.


What we love most about living in Colorado is how much there is to explore. One minute, you’re fly fishing out of your kayak, and the next, you’ve pulled over for a hike along the shore. An off-course mountain bike ride could toss you into a field of wild raspberries. It’s all about embracing and making the most of whatever life throws you.

No matter your comfort with the outdoors, we’re here to share tips for explorers at any level. We take the weekend warrior approach to the outdoors, but it’s all about finding what works for you. If you haven’t spent much time camping but are looking to get started, be sure to check out our Essential Camp Gear Checklist to help get you started!

Alie & Charley Kayaking Lake Dillon, CO


While exploring, we explore the surrounding towns and their unique libations. Supporting small businesses and local tourism, we try to give back to the places that provide us so much.

While on your adventures, look to see what’s around. You never know what wonderful discoveries you’ll stumble across. To quickly access our cocktail recipes and whiskey reviews, visit our Quicklinks.

Tasting at Elkins Distillery in Estes Park, CO


As the adage goes, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” The Wilderness Whiskey Women take Ferris Bueller’s words to heart by remembering that it’s about the adventure, not the destination.

We take pride in curating our campsites reflective of each space we temporarily inhabit. Solar-powered string lights accompany us everywhere we go to illuminate the beauty of these spaces. This ambient setting and a generous pour help ease our bodies from a hike, bike, paddle, or whatever other adventure we find ourselves in.

A relaxing evening in Glacier National Park, MT


Join us on our outdoor adventures as we review and sip our favorite whiskeys and try new casks. Through our passions, we hope to share our hard-earned knowledge gained over the years so you, too, can live the lifestyle of a wilderness whiskey explorer.

We hope you enjoy the journey with us.

Happy exploring!