Month: December 2022

Wild Turkey 101: Review

Wild Turkey 101 posing in Arizona.

This year for Thanksgiving, we went back to Arizona to go visit family. While we were there, we also needed to do some work at my mom’s house. Alie is always down for a good home project, but it required a stop to pick up some supplies.… Read the rest “Wild Turkey 101: Review”

Mix It Up Monday: Holiday Sunrise

A light up snowman near the Holiday Sunrise cocktail
A Holiday Sunrise with my favorite holiday decoration.

It is hard to believe we are already halfway through December. We are definitely feeling the hustle and bustle of the holiday season in full force. From wrapping up the end of the year at work, to preparing for the holidays, we’ve been busy.… Read the rest “Mix It Up Monday: Holiday Sunrise”

Russell’s Reserve 6-Year Rye Whiskey: Review

Russell's Reserve 6-Year Rye Whiskey next to a dram.
Russel’s Reserve 6-year Rye on our 2nd pour.

Over the Thanksgiving holiday, we snagged a bottle of Wild Turkey to enjoy over the break. It is always a fun choice when I want to mix up what I’m drinking. Wild Turkey is always better than I remember, so it inspired up to pick up a couple of bottles of Russell’s Reserve.… Read the rest “Russell’s Reserve 6-Year Rye Whiskey: Review”

Mix It Up Monday: Mom’s Applesauce

Mom's Applesauce cocktail on a table near home decor.
Mom’s Applesauce in a glass.

Applesauce. It is a food that I associate with babies and BBQ. It is easy for toothless children to eat, or it is one of the sides available at the local BBQ joint. However, whenever I have some, I always forget how good it actually is.… Read the rest “Mix It Up Monday: Mom’s Applesauce”

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