Month: March 2024

McConnell’s Irish Whiskey: Review

McConnell's Irish Whiskey bottle and pours in rocks glasses

It’s St. Patrick’s Day, and fittingly, I’m sitting in the den drafting a review for McConnell’s Irish Whiskey. It is early morning, and I’m the only one in our house moving, minus Moose and the dog we are watching. It will be several hours before I pour out McConnell’s Irish Whiskey drams and sit with Alie in our parlor room or in front of a fire on the porch to record our thoughts.… Read the rest “McConnell’s Irish Whiskey: Review”

Outdoor Adventures: How to Make Spring Camping Comfortable

Spring camping in our camper at dusk on a particularly cold night.

Spring officially begins on March 19th, so we are just a few days from the equinox. That means camping season is set to start later this month, at least for us. Spring can be temperate and pleasant, depending on where you live in the US.… Read the rest “Outdoor Adventures: How to Make Spring Camping Comfortable”

Outdoor Adventures: Mineral Belt Mayhem

Mineral Belt Mayhem Mass start at dusk.

In 2020, I took a trip to Leadville, Colorado, for the Crystal Carnival and Skijoring weekend. While there, we noticed a big, nighttime fat bike ride called the Mineral Belt Mayhem. I was intrigued and thought it would be cool to participate in the race eventually.… Read the rest “Outdoor Adventures: Mineral Belt Mayhem”

Spring Forward

Camping is better after the spring forward.

The spring equinox is coming up on March 19th in the US. That means it is time to say goodbye to the snow and darkness of winter and begin our transition toward the summer season. The best part is it is time to get ready for camp season by checking out our Essential Camp Gear Checklist.Read the rest “Spring Forward”

Mix It Up Monday: Apple Cherry Tart

Apple Cherry Tart cocktail casting a shadow against the wall.

Spring is right around the corner, and I’ve been spending time doing a little spring cleaning. As I started reorganizing some of the contents of our pantry, I stumbled upon an unopened bottle of spiced apple cider, likely left over from the holiday season.… Read the rest “Mix It Up Monday: Apple Cherry Tart”

Distillery Experience: 291 Colorado Whiskey

Colorado is a state that has been at the forefront of the craft whiskey renaissance over the past several years. Lucky for us, we have many great distilleries in our backyard. Whether visiting Colorado or living here, you must check out 291 Colorado Whiskey.… Read the rest “Distillery Experience: 291 Colorado Whiskey”

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