Category: Bourbon Page 1 of 3

World Whiskey Awards 2024

On February 8th, 2024, the World Whiskey Awards announced their American Whiskey Awards. The list includes a mix of well-known distilleries and a few you wouldn’t expect. What surprised us most was that a few Colorado distilleries popped up on the list.… Read the rest “World Whiskey Awards 2024”

Best Brands of 2023

Stock Bar Photo from Pexels. Find your next favorite bottle. Best Brands of 2023

Whiskey Enthusiasts are always looking for the next great bottle of whiskey. We want to find a delicious bottle that is easy to find and doesn’t break the bank. The decision can be overwhelming with the dozens of upstart whiskey brands sourcing their product from a handful of the same distilleries to whatever new celebrity-branded whiskey hitting the market.… Read the rest “Best Brands of 2023”

Our Favorite New Whiskies 2023

The Wilderness Whiskey Women with Jon at Eimverk Distillery in Iceland.
The Wilderness Whiskey Women With Jon at Eimverk Distillery.

Every whiskey drinker has their go-to bottle. For us, it’s been Evan Williams Bottled-in-Bond pretty much exclusively for the past several years. However, that doesn’t stop us from trying new whiskies. One does not have to look far to find a new name, an upstart, a new distillery, or maybe something we’ve overlooked on the shelf.… Read the rest “Our Favorite New Whiskies 2023”

Russell’s Reserve 10: Review

Russell's Reserve 10

Right before the holiday season, I picked up a bottle of Russell’s Reserve 10 Bourbon. It was a bottle that I have seen on the shelves before, but I had never tried it. After finishing our Thanksgiving Wild Turkey bottle, I wanted to give the Russell’s Reserve a try.… Read the rest “Russell’s Reserve 10: Review”

Wild Turkey 101: Review

Wild Turkey 101 posing in Arizona.

This year for Thanksgiving, we went back to Arizona to go visit family. While we were there, we also needed to do some work at my mom’s house. Alie is always down for a good home project, but it required a stop to pick up some supplies.… Read the rest “Wild Turkey 101: Review”

Kentucky Tavern Bourbon: Review

Ahh, Kentucky Tavern, the taste of college.

From time to time, I just need a really inexpensive bourbon for mixing. Whether we need it for basic cocktails or to make a larger pitcher cocktail, it is useful to have a basic bourbon on hand.… Read the rest “Kentucky Tavern Bourbon: Review”

Maker’s Mark Wood Finishing Series: Review

Maker's Mark Wood Finishing Series 2021 FAE-1.

My journey with Maker’s Mark began a long time ago. For the most part, I enjoyed Jack Daniels, usually mixed with coke and sometimes in the form of a shot. Back in the early aughts, I started to opt for Maker’s Mark from time to time.… Read the rest “Maker’s Mark Wood Finishing Series: Review”

Old Forester Signature 100: Review

Old Forester Signature 100 near the Arkansas River somewhere in Colorado.

During my past few runs to the liquor store, I’ve found myself mixing up my selection. The norm is for me to run in and grab our normal daily drinker and browse through the available stock to see what else catches my eye.… Read the rest “Old Forester Signature 100: Review”

Kirkland Bottled-in-Bond: Review

Kirkland Bottled-in-Bond whiskey with a view of the mountains.

There are few things I enjoy more than a budget bottle of whiskey. I’m constantly looking for bottles of whiskey that run $30 or less out the door. Alie and I are known to partake in a nightly pour or two, so we drink our whiskey relatively quickly.… Read the rest “Kirkland Bottled-in-Bond: Review”

Huling Station Very Small Batch: Review

Life comes at you fast. Sometimes whiskey makes you forget.

The support we’ve received from our friends and family since we started our whiskey journey has been amazing. I often received a bottle of something for my birthday or around the holidays, which I always enjoy.… Read the rest “Huling Station Very Small Batch: Review”

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