Category: Irish

Hinch Irish Whiskey: Review

Recently, I spent a warm weekend working on a couple of cocktail recipes. Since I didn’t want to use a nice bottle of Scotch for our newest cocktails, I set out to the liquor store to purchase a smokey whiskey that was relatively inexpensive.… Read the rest “Hinch Irish Whiskey: Review”

McConnell’s Irish Whiskey: Review

McConnell's Irish Whiskey bottle and pours in rocks glasses

It’s St. Patrick’s Day, and fittingly, I’m sitting in the den drafting a review for McConnell’s Irish Whiskey. It is early morning, and I’m the only one in our house moving, minus Moose and the dog we are watching. It will be several hours before I pour out McConnell’s Irish Whiskey drams and sit with Alie in our parlor room or in front of a fire on the porch to record our thoughts.… Read the rest “McConnell’s Irish Whiskey: Review”

Bushmills Prohibition Recipe: Review

Bushmills Prohibition Recipe Bottle with 2 rocks glasses.

Here at Wilderness Whiskey Women, we aren’t the ones to hop on new and noteworthy release bandwagons. I rarely run out to try and buy the latest whiskeys. Others tell us they can’t wait to see what all the buzz is about when a limited-release or new celebrity whiskey hits the market and don’t understand why we wait around to see.… Read the rest “Bushmills Prohibition Recipe: Review”

Bushmills Black Bush: Review

Bottle of Bushmills Black Bush.

Bushmills Black Bush

A few weeks ago, Alie and I decided to treat our friends to a whiskey tasting. Since our friends didn’t have much experience with whiskey, we wanted to present them with different types of whiskeys.… Read the rest “Bushmills Black Bush: Review”

Fighting 69th Irish Whiskey: Review

Fighting 69th honors those who have defended our nation since the Civil War.

We here at Wilderness Whiskey Women believe that sharing stories is best when accompanied by a glass of whiskey. I often find myself researching how a certain whiskey came to be, who was involved in that process, and why particular stories stand the test of time.… Read the rest “Fighting 69th Irish Whiskey: Review”

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