All Ken's Clothes Fit Me cocktail ready to drink.

Over the weekend, we met up with friends at a local Barbie-themed pop-up bar to grab cocktails and celebrate a birthday. As one might expect from a Barbie bar, the cocktails were sweet, beachy, and mostly pink. Scanning the menu, I noticed one particular cocktail that caught my eye. It was called Just Allan. Allan’s famous line from the Barbie movie when he’s introduced, “All Ken’s Clothes fit me,” which turned out to be a great name for a cocktail.

Initially, I hesitated to order the cocktail because I wasn’t sure what to expect from a rye and Scotch drink. One of my biggest concerns was whether I might order a drink that tasted like a bandaid, a common problem I face when I drink Scotch. Like everything in Barbie Land, the Just Allan was perfect, and it inspired our newest cocktail, the All Ken’s Clothes Fit Me.

Before we left the Barbie Bar, I snapped a picture of the ingredients on the menu and set out to recreate the Just Allan cocktail. Although we lack colorful glasses with light-up faux ice cubes, we created a delicious version of Just Allan in our home bar. However, we had a happy accident when mixing up a round, which led to the All Ken’s Clothes Fit Me.

All Ken’s Clothes Fit Me Cocktail

I’d initially set out to recreate the Just Allan, but I happened to grab the wrong bottle of bitters. The chocolate and grapefruit bitter bottles looked very similar, and I didn’t read carefully enough to recognize that I had picked up the wrong one.

I was also experimenting with a new bottle of peated Irish Whiskey. It was on sale and was recommended as an alternative to a smokey Scotch. Since the Hinch Peated Irish Whiskey was marked below $30, I decided to try it. It happens to be the perfect addition to our All Ken’s Clothes Fit Me Cocktail.

Five ingredients are needed for All Ken’s Clothes Fit Me: rye whiskey, peated Irish Whiskey (we used Hinch), orgeat, grapefruit bitters, and an orange.

Orgeat is an almond-flavored syrup frequently used in Tiki drinks, such as our Rye Tai cocktail. We used Fee Brothers Orgeat, which you can pick up online or in your local liquor store. As a bonus, oregeat is an excellent addition to sweeten your coffee or homemade latte.

Preparing All Ken’s Clothes Fit Me

Add your bitters to a rocks glass. Add orgeat, rye whiskey, and peated Irish whiskey. Cut the orange into slices and toast it with a butane torch. Top with ice, or sip it straight up.

Closing Thoughts

If you like a cocktail with a touch of smoke and a lot of citrus flavor, try All Ken’s Clothes Fit Me. Although it was a happy accident, it turned out to be a spectacular cocktail that was the perfect addition to our evening porch sitting on a warm spring day. Give it a try, and let us know what you think.

Happy Exploring!

All Ken’s Clothes Fit Me

A Barbie-inspired citrus cocktail.


  • 1.75 oz Rye whiskey
  • 1 oz Hinch Peated Irish Whiskey Smokey
  • 2 tbsp Orgeat
  • 4-5 dash Grapefruit Bitters


  • In a rocks glass, add grapefruit bitters and orgeat.
  • Add the rye whiskey and peated Irish Whiskey.
  • Garnish with a toasted orange peel.
  • Enjoy!