From time to time, I’ll scour the web for new recipe ideas. I try to find unique cocktail combinations that I can modify to work with whiskey or suit our tastes. This week, it resulted in us creating the Bitter Firewater Cocktail.
While researching, I stumbled upon this recipe for a Trinidad Sour. It was definitely unique, so we had to give it a try. Frankly, it was terrible. However, it was interesting. With some tweaking, we found a recipe that turned out delicious. We decided to call it the Bitter Firewater.
Our Bitter Firewater combines bourbon, bitter liqueur, orgeat, and lemon juice. The result is a slightly bitter but complex cocktail. Instead of relying on aromatic bitters, like the Trinidad Sour, we opted for a more flavorful bitter liqueur. We used Fortify Bitter Liqueur, which can be purchased in 750ml bottles from my local liquor store.
You could opt for aromatic bitters, however, we suggest starting with half an ounce or less, and adding more to suit your taste. I tried using aromatic bitters as a substitute for the Fortify, and it was very bitter, overpowering the whiskey flavor. You’ve been warned, too many bitters rather than bitter liqueur will quickly ruin the drink.
We used Fee Brothers Orgeat Syrup in our Bitter Firewater. In our humble opinion, Fee Brothers makes the best cocktail syrups. Plus, Fee Brothers’s syrups are widely distributed and likely easy to find in your nearest liquor store.
The Bitter Firewater is an absolutely delicious drink, once you get the balance of flavors right. We liked it best with Ezra 99. If it isn’t quite right, it is very easy to add a splash more whiskey to your glass. Give it a try and let us know what you think in the comments or on our Instagram.
Happy Exploring!

Bitter Firewater
- 1.5 ounces Bourbon
- 1 ounce Fortify Bitter Liqueur
- 1 ounce Orgeat
- 1/3 ounce Lemon Juice
- Combine the bourbon, orgeat, bitter liqueur, and lemon juice in a rocks glass.
- Stir to combine.
- Garnish with a lemon twist.
- Add ice (optional).
- Enjoy!