The PB and B in a rocks glass sitting in front of a snap dragon flower.

Recently, a friend reminded me that the anniversary of Elvis Presley’s death had passed. I decided to try a cocktail pairing peanut butter whiskey mixed with banana liqueur on the eve of the anniversary, not even realizing the anniversary was around the corner. We called it the PB and B and it turned out to be the perfect way to toast Elvis. After all, he was known for his love of peanut butter and banana sandwiches.

The anniversary of Elvis’s death brought back some fun memories from days past. My friends and I would throw a big party in the middle of August. Our gathering was usually the last gathering before we returned to college in the fall. Toasting Elvis became a fun inside joke amongst my friend group and eventually, the theme for the party. One year, I think we even served peanut butter and banana sandwiches for the occasion.

The PB and B cocktail is made with only two ingredients, peanut butter whiskey, and banana liqueur. It is a simple and sweet cocktail that packs a punch. If Skrewball had existed while I was in college, I’m sure the PB and B would have become a party staple.

I really enjoy a sweet and complex cocktail. The PB and B is sweet, savory, and fruity. I recognize that some enthusiasts might be skeptical about enjoying the PB and B. However, don’t knock it until you try it. If you need to switch it up from classic cocktails to something experimental, this is a great cocktail to try. I’m pretty sure the King of Rock and Roll would have approved.

Happy Exploring!

The PB and B

A peanut butter whiskey and banana liqueur cocktail
Prep Time 5 minutes


  • 2 ounces Skrewball Peanut Butter Whiskey
  • 1 ounce 99 Bananas


  • Add Skrewball and 99 Bananas to a rocks glass. Stir.
  • Enjoy!