Outdoor Adventures: Mineral Belt Mayhem

Mineral Belt Mayhem Mass start at dusk.

In 2020, I took a trip to Leadville, Colorado, for the Crystal Carnival and Skijoring weekend. While there, we noticed a big, nighttime fat bike ride called the Mineral Belt Mayhem. I was intrigued and thought it would be cool to participate in the race eventually.… Read the rest “Outdoor Adventures: Mineral Belt Mayhem”

Spring Forward

Camping is better after the spring forward.

The spring equinox is coming up on March 19th in the US. That means it is time to say goodbye to the snow and darkness of winter and begin our transition toward the summer season. The best part is it is time to get ready for camp season by checking out our Essential Camp Gear Checklist.Read the rest “Spring Forward”

Mix It Up Monday: Apple Cherry Tart

Apple Cherry Tart cocktail casting a shadow against the wall.

Spring is right around the corner, and I’ve been spending time doing a little spring cleaning. As I started reorganizing some of the contents of our pantry, I stumbled upon an unopened bottle of spiced apple cider, likely left over from the holiday season.… Read the rest “Mix It Up Monday: Apple Cherry Tart”

Distillery Experience: 291 Colorado Whiskey

Colorado is a state that has been at the forefront of the craft whiskey renaissance over the past several years. Lucky for us, we have many great distilleries in our backyard. Whether visiting Colorado or living here, you must check out 291 Colorado Whiskey.… Read the rest “Distillery Experience: 291 Colorado Whiskey”

Outdoor Adventures: Where to Go Camping

If you’ve checked out our Essential Gear Checklist, and picked up some of the necessary equipment to ensure you are prepared for your first trip, then it is time to plan where to go camping! With a little bit of advanced planning, you can reduce the time spent searching for a site and enjoy more time around the campfire.… Read the rest “Outdoor Adventures: Where to Go Camping”

Bushmills Prohibition Recipe: Review

Bushmills Prohibition Recipe Bottle with 2 rocks glasses.

Here at Wilderness Whiskey Women, we aren’t the ones to hop on new and noteworthy release bandwagons. I rarely run out to try and buy the latest whiskeys. Others tell us they can’t wait to see what all the buzz is about when a limited-release or new celebrity whiskey hits the market and don’t understand why we wait around to see.… Read the rest “Bushmills Prohibition Recipe: Review”

Outdoor Adventures: Leadville Skijoring and Crystal Carnival

Skijoring 2019

Throw on your skis, grab the tow rope, and send the horse down the track at blazing-fast speeds. You’ll definitely want your helmet for this adventure! What crazy activity is this? It’s skijoring! Skijoring and the Crystal Carnival is returning to Leadville, Colorado, on March 1-3, 2024.… Read the rest “Outdoor Adventures: Leadville Skijoring and Crystal Carnival”

Whiskey Del Bac Dorado: Review

A couple drams of Whiskey Del Bac Dorado before our review.

American single malts are a whiskey expression that has been gaining popularity for some time, and with good reason. For many, you think of single malt, and you likely pictured a smokey Scotch. However, Scotch isn’t subtle, and many have a funk that is off-putting for drinkers.… Read the rest “Whiskey Del Bac Dorado: Review”

World Whiskey Awards 2024

On February 8th, 2024, the World Whiskey Awards announced their American Whiskey Awards. The list includes a mix of well-known distilleries and a few you wouldn’t expect. What surprised us most was that a few Colorado distilleries popped up on the list.… Read the rest “World Whiskey Awards 2024”

Distillery Experience: Mythology

Whiskey Flight from Mythology Distillery.
Whiskey Flight from Mythology Distillery.

Recently, Alie and I were sitting around enjoying a bottle of Thunder Hoof we picked up from Mythology Distillery last fall. As we sipped it, we started reminiscing about our visit to the Mythology Distillery and our fun on our Steamboat Springs, Colorado trip.… Read the rest “Distillery Experience: Mythology”

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