Tag: cocktail recipe

Mix It Up Monday: Rye Tai

Rye Tai in a rocks glass. Garnished with a whiskey infused cherry.
Rye Tai garnished with cherry.

Summer makes me think of tropical drinks and sitting by the beach. Do I ever go to the beach, you ask? Not really. We spend our time mostly in the mountains. However, that doesn’t stop us from craving something tropical when it’s hot during the dog days of summer.… Read the rest “Mix It Up Monday: Rye Tai”

Mix it Up Monday: Dragon Water

Dragon Water cocktail with mint garnish.
Dragon Water cocktail with mint garnish.

When I met Summer, I really didn’t care for whiskey. I drank scotch with my grandfather and I would have an occasional Jack and Coke at a bar. But whiskey wasn’t my jam. I was all about gin and tequila (still am, by the way).… Read the rest “Mix it Up Monday: Dragon Water”

Mix It Up Monday: Spicy Dragon Fruit Old Fashioned

Spicy Dragon Fruit Old Fashioned cocktail in a rocks glass with serrano peppers.
Spicy Dragon Fruit Old Fashioned cocktail with serrano peppers.

Recently, Alie and I picked up a dragon fruit on our recent Imperfect Foods order. I can’t say it was a fruit I’d ever tried before, although occasionally I’ve seen it in stores.… Read the rest “Mix It Up Monday: Spicy Dragon Fruit Old Fashioned”

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